Headmaster's Bulletin 27th November 2020
Next week will see the return of our after school extra-curricular programme when National Lockdown ends. Activities will resume after school from Wednesday 2nd December and departmental staff will send out relevant information to parents and students for activities relevant to their areas. The NSB extracurricular programme is central to the school’s ethos and wellbeing of the students and it will be a huge boost to have it back.
Christmas Charity week is a very important fixture in the school calendar and the four student House Leadership Teams have been working hard to put together a COVID-secure version for 2020 with the support of Mrs Greenaway. Many of the normal activities that we run during the designated week (December 14th-18th) will not be able to take place this year because of social distancing, however the students have come up with imaginative alternatives which will ensure that the week is as vibrant and enjoyable as normal. More details will follow to students over the next two weeks.
End of Term arrangements will shortly be issued to parents and carers. Parents / carers of students in Year 11 and 13 should particularly note the information on Trial examinations which will begin immediately on return from the Christmas holidays.
Richard Bernard
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