Headmaster's Bulletin 29th January 2021
A huge thank you to the Estates Team who worked very hard over the weekend to ensure that the school was safe to open for our key worker and vulnerable children at the beginning of the week after the heavy snow last Sunday.
This was the scene of the front of the school first thing on Monday morning:
We were delighted to welcome Michael Ellis MP (Northampton North) as a virtual guest to our remote learning programme today. Michael, who is a huge supporter of the school, enjoyed dropping into a range of lessons before hosting an online question and answer session from students across the year groups.
Mrs Bradley Brophy has launched a series of non-screen challenges for the Sixth Form this week and our lower school boys have also been making the most of their extensive practical skills with some very impressive home baking in Year 8 Food Technology lessons. I was fortunate enough to receive a delicious white loaf from young James Civil which would have stood proud in a professional bakery.
NSB has an extremely proud record of students entering the professional rugby ranks and one of our most famous former pupils Courtney Lawes, gave a moving tribute to the late Norman Barker in the Times this week.
Finally on the administration front, a reminder to Year 11 students that the application deadline for the NSB Sixth Form is 5pm today. Total applications submitted or under construction are currently north of 700 which is indicative of the sheer scale of demand for our hugely popular Post 16 provision.
Richard Bernard
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