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Northampton School for Boys

Northampton School for Boys

Headteacher's Bulletin - Friday, July 19th 2024

In the final Bulletin of the year it is fitting that there is a wealth of NSB student success to celebrate.

We are saying goodbye today to several outstanding members of staff and we thank them for everything they have done for the school and wish them the very best of luck in retirement or in their next venture:

Mr York, Miss Aiken, Dr Hennah, Mr Easton, Ms Sheridan, Mrs Edwards (17 years), Mrs Kennedy (17 years)

We  thank Miss Roberts, Mrs Law, Mrs Shocklidge and Mrs Jaggard who are staying within the NSB Trust but moving on to a permanent role at Northampton School.


On Monday, we enjoyed a fabulous Expressive Arts Awards Evening where bronze to platinum award winners were royally celebrated and the night was peppered with dazzling performances and artwork. Guest of honour was former student and star of the West End, Posi Morakinyo, who is a truly inspirational figure for young people, with many of the students queuing to meet him personally at the end of the evening.  Posi lit up the stage during his time at NSB - leading the school musical in Year 10 and winning the XX Factor in Year 11. It was wonderful to see him back at the school supporting NSB accompanied by his brother Tok who, himself, is also performing professionally on the stage and was also a fantastic former Head Boy of NSB!!


One of the most difficult decisions every year is the choice of Head Boy and Head Girl. All the students interviewed last week were brilliant, the decision was incredibly close - any of the candidates would have been a brilliant fit for the job. Many congratulations to all students who applied or who were interviewed. The following students will hold the posts for next year:

Head Girl                                      Deputy Head Girls 

Kaitlyn Smyth                              Aimee Collinson and Sheli Patel


Head Boy                                   Deputy Head Boys 

Kayan Ranina                              Mihir Kandi and Josh Obi



I mentioned in an earlier Bulletin that one of the most talented student artists to attend NSB - Logan Compston in Year 12 had entered into the National University of the Performing Arts Competition and I'm delighted to announce that out of over 400 entries from all over England, her piece was selected as one of only 3 major prize winners. As a result, her framed picture has been displayed with the other prize winners for a week at the UCA Canterbury.

Oliver Murphy in Y12 is one of NSB's leading mathematicians and he has regularly excelled in the International Mathematics Olympiad Challenge (IMOC), solving the immensely challenging problems set with relative ease. Oliver this year secured the highest global accolade of 'CHAMPION'. He ranked in the top 2% in the UK and 4% in the world in his age group which is simply exceptional!

The most arduous of the Duke of Edinburgh Awards is Gold and our intrepid Year 12 students last week undertook their assessed expedition in Wales. Mrs O'Neill reports:

'Last week brought the D of E expedition season at NSB to a close with the Sixth Form's Gold assessed expedition in Wales.  Whilst the four-day expedition is a challenge through what is considered wild country terrain, it was made even more difficult with the deluge of rain on the first day and throughout the entire evening - drenching their kit but not their indomitable spirits.  In true NSB fashion the groups showed determination, grit and drive to power through the challenging elements that nature threw at them. Hopefully, in time the students involved will look back at this experience and remember it fondly, with many reflective stories and as a hugely tough challenge that they overcame brilliantly - they were all a great credit to the school!  I want to thank Mrs Rutherford who has worked really hard with the D of E programme 2023-4 to help make it the success it is and we all look forward to the next academic year of expeditions.



Many congratulations to Quaide Kay Rash in Y9 who has gained the phenomenal title of 'British Champion' as he was part of a Street Dance Crew who won 1st place with his team at the Street Dance International British Finals 14 and Under age category last weekend.




It is always wonderful to hear of the successes of former students and I was delighted to read a fantastic write up from the Welsh press dedicated to their rising rugby star and former NSB U15 National Cup finalist and captain, Isaac Young, who was heralded for his hugely impressive performance in the ongoing U20s World Cup in a fixture against the fearsomely impressive 'Baby All Blacks' - the New Zealand U20 team. 


Finally, a reminder that Term 6 reports have been issued via AIM today. I hope that all students have a wonderful summer and we look forward to welcoming them back in September - Wednesday 4th Y7 and 12 only (academic year 2024/25) and Thursday 5th all students.


Richard Bernard



Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT
01604 230240