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Northampton School for Boys

Northampton School for Boys

A Message from the Headteacher

A very warm welcome to Northampton School for Boys.

I would like to thank you for choosing NSB for your son’s continuing education.  We are about to embark on a crucial partnership to guide your son from childhood, through adolescence to adulthood. I am sure that your son is very excited and enthusiastic about the opportunities and challenges which lie ahead at NSB and we, in return, will seek to provide him with the very best education that we can.

At NSB we work hard to educate, challenge, socialise and support our students to achieve their full potential in all aspects of school life. Maximising academic performance is paramount, however we will also enable and guide your son’s growth spiritually, morally, culturally and physically. The school offers a nationally renowned extra-curricular programme of activities across many disciplines including music, dance, drama, art and sport which all students at the school are expected to actively participate in to support their all-round development.

The school also recognises the negative impact that the pandemic has had on the quality of learning for some students at Primary School and we will work hard to ensure that any such gaps are addressed as quickly as possible.

The link between the parents and school is incredibly important. We need to work with you to achieve the very best for your son. With your help, he can attend every day and every lesson, on time and in appropriate uniform. With your help, he can complete home learning, prepare appropriately for assessments, join extra-curricular activities and follow the school policies and procedures.  With your help, we can establish and maintain clear communication lines and trust between home and school which will be vital to your son’s progress.

Year 7 is the beginning of a long and rich journey. Every year the school achieves exceptional public examination and extra-curricular success which is reflective of boys reaching their full potential both in and out of the classroom. The goal is clear for each student who attends NSB: for each boy to maximise his talents and to become the best person he can be.

I very much look forward to working with you from September.

Richard Bernard


Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT
01604 230240