The Careers Advisers at Northampton School for Boys are:
Judith Howard and Nicola Hinton
Tel: 01604 230240
Twitter: @nsbcareersadvice
Updates and Information
National Apprenticeship Week
Speakers for Schools
Amazing Apprenticeships
Starting Off
So you're leaving school. What next? Click Here
Informed Choices
The guide that matches A level choices with courses in Higher Education: Click Here
Useful resources
Immersive careers experiences: from InvestIN Education.
Students at NSB can claim a 10% discount using the code NORTHSFB A resource for parents and teenagers to explore future options. The school leavers guide to future employers. A brilliant resource for students and parents that explains options at 16. Tel: 0800 100 900 A national careers guidance and information service for young people. It also has careers information, links to job profiles and a CV builder. Good for for all ages. A comprehensive database of apprenticeship opportunities. Create an account to gain access to all the apprenticeship vacancies in your area and nationally. The one stop-shop for apprenticeships, gap years, distance learning and jobs. Learn about the range of apprenticeships available up to level 7 ( Masters) A comprehensive careers information website for those who wish to explore opportunities after university. The Careers advice section is very good. Go to "options with my subject". It encourages young people to explore career ideas and look at related ideas. Information on taster days and workshops, open Days, education Fairs, residential Events. The universities and colleges admissions service. Everything you need to know about university and higher-level apprenticeships. The MYPATH website and YouTube channel feature weekly career related videos. The College will be running their next virtual open evening in October. Find out about their courses and visit their virtual open event on demand.
Unifrog is an online careers education platform for all students to explore post 16 and post 18 options; there are free webinars available for parents and students alike. Unifrog will allow your son/daughter to track their careers education progress, alongside exceptional access to information regarding universities and higher level apprenticeships.
Unifrog offers an intuitive way to access careers information and insight for young people, and the adults that support them in making those decisions: Click Here