The Careers Advisers at Northampton School for Boys are:
Mrs Howard and Mrs Hinton
Tel: 01604 230240
Twitter: @nsbcareersadvice
Dear Students,
Here are some resources and updates to help you explore careers for the future.
If you have any questions just send us an email at:
We look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard and Mrs Hinton
National Apprenticeship Week
Speakers for Schools
Amazing Apprenticeships
Starting Off
So you're leaving school. What next? Click Here
Informed Choices
The guide that matches A level choices with courses in Higher Education: Click Here
Useful resources Immersive careers experiences from Invest IN Education
Students at NSB can claim a 10% discount using the code NORTHSFB. A great way to research your options for the future The school-leavers guide to future employers A brilliant resource for students and parents that explains options at 16. Tel: 0800 100 900 A national careers guidance and information service for young people. It also has careers information, links to job profiles and a CV builder. A comprehensive careers information website for those who wish to explore opportunities after university. The Careers advice section is very good. Go to "options with my subject". It encourages young people to explore career ideas and look at related ideas. - Information on taster days and workshops, open Days, education Fairs, residential Events. The universities and colleges admissions service. Everything you need to know about university and higher-level apprenticeships. A brand-new site that brings together video content on a range of topics such as UCAS applications, personal statements and choosing a course. The MYPATH website and YouTube channel feature weekly career related videos. The College will be running their next virtual open evening in October. Find out about their courses and visit their virtual open event on demand.
Watch this space!...
Unifrog is the new online platform that will allow you to track, monitor and maximise your careers education at NSB. You will use it in C&G, Work Experience planning, Enrichment, and you can access it at home or school any time you need to.
It will help you to explore specific careers and industries, as well as watching online webinars and having access to a wealth of resources that can help you with all aspects of your future career planning: Click Here