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Northampton School for Boys

Northampton School for Boys

Former Student London Luncheon 2024 - Friday 24th May

I am delighted to announce that this incredibly popular event will be held at the magnificent venue of One Great George Street, close to the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and the heart of British Government. The majestic award winning surroundings are home to the Institution of Civil Engineers and the building is steeped in history successfully marrying tradition with innovation throughout. It is one of the most impressive buildings we have visited and we look forward to hosting you at this fabulous venue.

The event is open to all former students and promises to be a truly memorable occasion. I aim to achieve 130 of us there to secure a better deal so I hope this is something you would like to support and enjoy. I think you will be hugely impressed by our 2024 venue, an institution that has had the same chef for over 20 years and provided fine dining events at many high profile functions.

  • The cost is £125 per head to include hire of the prestigious Great Hall, a hugely impressive space, with a 3-course fine dining menu, wine on the table and a cash bar.
  • Tables of 10 are available but we are flexible and can also accommodate pairs and small groups. We will always seat you with like-minded individuals.

Guests are respectfully requested to arrive for 12:30pm for a 1:15pm call to tables.

I would be grateful if you can email me to let me know if you are keen on a table / no. of places so I can get an early idea of numbers please.

To book and pay please click on the reply slip at the bottom of this page ensuring all guest names and years at school are entered. We also need the address of the group / individual leader to mail out the tickets. Forms can be printed off and returned by post or scanned and returned by email. Alternatively, you can send back the names, years at NSB by email to:

Once your form is completed, payment can be made by BACs transfer or alternatively to pay by cheque to Northampton School for Boys (‘London Lunch’ on back). Please can we ask for all payments and forms to be returned by March 31st.

If you have not been before I strongly recommend giving it a try and please don't think it is a closed shop - we would love to have some of our female former students attend - we might even get Sarah Bradley Brophy there! Many thanks for your support and we look forward to another fabulous occasion.

Mr Mark Lee
School Development Director


Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT
01604 230240