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Northampton School for Boys

Northampton School for Boys

Headteacher's Bulletin

Headmaster's Bulletin weekly blog

Page 7

  • 07/10/22

    Headmaster’s Bulletin – Friday, October 7th

    To celebrate the joy of reading and to promote the central role that reading plays in our NSB school curriculum, all our new Year 7 students were gifted a book by the English department at the start of term. During the July transition day, the cohort were given the opportunity to choose a book from...
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  • 30/09/22

    Headmaster's Bulletin 30th September 2022

    We have welcomed a huge number of Year 6 boys and their parents / carers to the school throughout this week during our Open Morning Tours. Our visitors were able to walk around the site to see all of our facilities but also to get a realistic feel of the ethos and atmosphere of the school hard at wo...
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  • 23/09/22

    Headmaster’s Bulletin – Friday, September 23rd​​​​​

    Students in all year groups have made an exceptional start to the school year with a particularly impressive first three weeks for our new starters in Years 7 and 12. All students have an extremely high bar to aim for, following school record breaking GCSE and A level results in the summer for the o...
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  • 15/07/22

    Headmaster's Bulletin 15th July 2022

    The MADD event in the Cripps Hall Theatre on Tuesday evening was a roaring success, backed up by equally impressive student performances at the Arts Awards Evening on Thursday which showcased the very best work of the year across Music/Art/Dance and Drama. The students who received awards can be inc...
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  • 08/07/22

    Headmaster's Bulletin 8th July 2022

    The school received the very sad news today of the passing of our former Chair of Governors, Yvonne Edwards MBE. Yvonne was an inspirational Chair of Governors who led the Governing Body very successfully over many years and through one of the most difficult periods of its long history. She was an e...
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  • 07/07/22

    Headmaster's Bulletin 24th June 2022

    Many congratulations to our Year 11 and 13 cohorts who have virtually finished their public examinations with just one GCSE (Polish) now remaining on Monday. Both year groups have been exceptional throughout their time at NSB to date and have very bright futures ahead!
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  • 01/07/22

    Headmaster's Bulletin 1st July 2022

    The opening night of our Key Stage 3 Production – ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ made a triumphant start, with exceptional student acting and musicianship carrying the much beloved but emotion drenched story with great strength through to the curtain call. Many thanks and congratulations t...
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  • 17/06/22

    Headmaster's Bulletin 17th June 2022

    Over the recent holiday break, the school received the fantastic news that our Chair of Governors - Peter Bason has been awarded an MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) for services to Education and to Sport in Northampton. A richly deserved honour for Peter, who has, over many...
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  • 10/06/22

    Headmaster's Bulletin 10th June 2022

    A level and GCSE examinations are currently in full swing with Year 12 Internal Exams also taking place this week and the beginning of next. The attitude of the examination students has been exemplary to date, which bodes well for the results, when released.
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  • 27/05/22

    Headmaster's Bulletin 27th May 2022

    We were delighted to round off this term with a National Cup triumph for the Year 7 football team. On Monday, the team put in a magnificent display at the Hawthorns to defeat a strong St Bede’s team from Durham who were the defending champions. Highlights can be seen here  with the Chroni...
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  • 20/05/22

    Headmaster's Bulletin 20th May 2022

    Year 11 have demonstrated an excellent attitude during the first week of their GCSEs - Year 13 and Year 12 Further Maths students will begin their A Levels from next Monday. Year 12 exams will start, as per the school calendar, on June 6th but will finish slightly earlier than the published date on...
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  • 13/05/22

    Headmaster's Bulletin 13th May 2022

    Today marks the last day of timetabled lessons for Year 11 and 13 before they begin their public examinations and study leave period next week. Both year groups have been exceptional role models for younger students in the school to emulate and I have no doubt that they will do extremely well in the...
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Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT
01604 230240