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Northampton School for Boys

Northampton School for Boys

Headteacher's Bulletin

Headmaster's Bulletin weekly blog

Page 9

  • 21/01/22

    Headmaster's Bulletin 21st January 2022

    Our Accelerated Reader Programme, under the leadership of Mrs Rutherford, is continuing to have fantastic positive impact on the literacy levels of our Year 7 / 8 students. The programme has a competitive edge to it with the four School Houses gaining House Points according to the numbers of words r...
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  • 14/01/22

    Headmaster's Bulletin 14th January 2022

    Our 18 Oxbridge interviewees from Year 13 are starting to receive feedback from their interviews, with the Oxford University offers released earlier this week and notifications from Cambridge University due out shortly. The school was delighted to read the National League Table for Oxbridge Applicat...
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  • 07/01/22

    Headmaster's Bulletin 7th January 2022

    We have been delighted to welcome students back after the holidays and there has been a very positive overall start to term. Year 11, Year 12 Further Maths and Year 13 students have been particularly impressive in their attitude and approach to the Trial Examinations which started on Monday and whic...
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  • 17/12/21

    Headmaster's Bulletin 17th December 2021

    We sadly say goodbye to some brilliant members of staff at the end of this week. Rea Walters has been a fantastic teacher in the English department, cultivating incredibly strong working relationships with students over the past four years and gaining exceptional student outcomes. Mark Poole has bro...
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  • 10/12/21

    Headmaster's Bulletin 10th December 2021

    The school was in full festive swing on Thursday Evening with a royally entertaining Christmas Concert, overseen expertly by Mr Druker. The students made light of any Covid-19 induced rehearsal obstacles with performances either side of the interval of great skill and verve. We now look forward to o...
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  • 03/12/21

    Headmaster's Bulletin 3rd December 2021

    We had a great start to the week when news filtered through from Mr Druker that the NSB Big Band had been awarded the highest possible award, Platinum, for their exceptional performance in the NCBF (National Concert Band Festival) regional event in Nottingham on Sunday, which acts as a qualifie...
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  • 26/11/21

    Headmaster's Bulletin 26th November 2021

    As we approach the second half of this busy term, students across all year groups are preparing for / taking their end of term assessments. These assessments will feed into the end of Term 2 reports which will be issued to all year groups on Friday, December 17th. These reports will be accessible to...
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  • 19/11/21

    Headmaster's Bulletin 19th November 2021

    Year 7 and Year 8 students have been devouring words at a rate of knots as part of the Accelerated Reading Scheme that all students in these two year groups participate in, under the leadership of Mrs Rutherford. We now have over 20 individual student word millionaires and ever escalating cohor...
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  • 12/11/21

    Headmaster's Bulletin 12th November 2021

    It has been a poignant week of remembrance at the school in memory of all those connected to NSB who lost their lives in war. The silence on Thursday was impeccably observed by the students and the associated assemblies for the Sixth Form and the lower school year groups were powerfully thought prov...
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  • 04/11/21

    Headmaster's Bulletin 5th November 2021

    We have said goodbye to a highly valued member of staff - Lesley Bryan today after ten years of distinguished and loyal service to the school. Lesley has built up excellent working relationships with students in her role as Cover Supervisor at NSB and we are extremely grateful for everything that sh...
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  • 21/10/21

    Headmaster's Bulletin 22nd October 2021

    Students across all year groups have enjoyed a rich selection of activities during our Personal Development Week. There were different areas of emphasis for each year group with Years 8 and Year 12 on residential, Year 10 on actual or virtual Work Experience, Year 13 focused on Post 18 next steps as...
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  • 15/10/21

    Headmaster's Bulletin 15th October 2021

    We have some wonderfully talented musicians at the school who performed at an outstanding level at our “A Night at the Movies” concert last night with highly tuned performances from students across ensembles and age groups. The excellent execution of play is all the more impressive given...
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Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT
01604 230240