Headmaster's Bulletin 7th January 2022
We have been delighted to welcome students back after the holidays and there has been a very positive overall start to term. Year 11, Year 12 Further Maths and Year 13 students have been particularly impressive in their attitude and approach to the Trial Examinations which started on Monday and which continue for the duration of next week.
We have also given a warm welcome to three new members of staff this term. On the teaching side, Mrs Barlow joins the English Team and has taken over as 10Q's Form Tutor. From a Support Staff perspective, Mr Jeffery has started in his Information Technology role as ‘Information Services Manager’ and Miss Hughes has been appointed as ‘Assistant Theatre Technician’. All three staff members bring a great deal of enthusiasm, expertise and experience to their respective positions.
Extra-curricular activities have already begun in earnest and there are a wide range of events and activities to look forward to over the coming months (pandemic permitting). For our musicians, there will be a sharp focus on the ‘Jazz @ The Cripps Spectacular’ (with the BBC Big Band), which is being held on January 30th, as well as for the ‘Music for Youth Regional Festivals’ which are being hosted by NSB in early March. Our dance students are enthusiastically preparing for the NSB ‘Junction 22 Dance Festival’ on February 5th, which features performances from NSB students and from local schools. Our older drama students are keenly preparing for the previously postponed Senior Production - ‘Pink Mist’ on January 21st - 22nd and our sports students have a host of county, regional and national cup fixtures to train for across a breadth of sports. Tickets for all the music and expressive arts events (other than Music for Youth) are currently available from the Box Office: Click Here
Finally, many congratulations to Charlie O’Neill in Year 10 who has been accepted on to the incredibly competitive CAT programme (Centre for Advanced Training) for dance, which is based at the internationally renowned, 'The Place' Theatre in London. The CAT is part of a national intensive dance programme for 11-18 year olds who display exceptional potential and passion for dance. This achievement will mean that Charlie will benefit from world-class specialist dance training at ‘The Place’ alongside his academic studies at NSB.
Richard Bernard
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