Headmaster's Bulletin 21st July 2023
We have said a fond farewell to several members of staff who are either retiring or moving location / job in the new academic year. A huge thank you to the following members of staff for everything that they have done for NSB School and its students - time in NSB indicated (5+years):
- Mrs Minai (Maths) - NSB 1998-2023
- Mrs Tiller (Office / First Aid) - NSB 2001-2023
- Mr Hunt (History) - NSB 2004-2023
- Mrs Condron (NTTP Teacher Training) - NSB 2004-2023
- Mr McKie (Science) - NSB 2007-2023
- Mrs Unit (Science) - NSB 2009-2023
- Mrs Browning (English) - NSB 2017-2023
- Mr McAteer (RE)
- Mr Craffy (DT)
- Mrs Whittaker (AIT)
We also say a huge thank you to the following teaching staff who are remaining in the NSB Trust but moving across to Northampton School (NS). Most teachers listed will be teaching a mix of NSB and NS lessons on their timetable next year:
Mr Edwards (new Headteacher of NS)
Mrs Wilkins (new Assistant Headteacher of NS)
Mr Charidine (new Year Team Leader of NS)
Mrs Law (DT)
Mrs Southworth (English)
Many congratulations to Mr Bradbury (Art) and his Eco Team of students who found out this week that they have been awarded the Eco Green Flag Award. This is the international benchmark standard of outstanding eco provision in schools across the globe and is fitting recognition of some wonderful environmental work that NSB students have undertaken over the academic year.
Well done to all of the Year 12 students who have been involved in Work Experience placements this week. The feedback from employers regarding student attitude and work ethic has generally been phenomenal and it has been a tremendous learning experience for the entire cohort. A huge thank you as well to Miss Rickaby and Mrs Tilley for their running / support of the whole process and for putting together such a good programme for those students remaining in school.
Finally, a reminder to all parents and carers of students in Years 7,8,9,10,12 that End of Year Reports will be issued at the end of today - these can be accessed via the AIM Platform.
I hope all connected to the school have a wonderful summer break and we look forward to seeing the students on their return on Wednesday, September 6th (Tuesday, September 5th for the new Year 7 and new Year 12).
Richard Bernard