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Northampton School for Boys

Northampton School for Boys

Latest News

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  • 31/07/17

    2017 Commonwealth Youth Games 

    The 2017 Commonwealth Youth Games were staged in the Bahamas in July. This was the largest YCG event ever; with 1300 athletes aged 14 - 17 representing countries from across the Commonwealth. Three boys from NSB were selected to represent England in contrasting activities and each returned with a me...
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  • 24/07/17

    PARENT / CARER SURVEY - Northampton School for Boys

    PARENT / CARER SURVEY - Northampton School for Boys
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  • 20/07/17

    NSB Open Golf Championships 2017

    Sponsored by Overstone Park Golf Club On Thursday 20th July, twenty-five NSB students ranging from Year 7 to Year 13 competed in the sixth annual Northampton School for Boys Open Golf Championships held and very kindly sponsored by Overstone Park Golf Club.
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  • 14/07/17

    Safety Matters - Summer 2017

    Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Highways Newsletter - Summer 2017  
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  • 14/07/17

    NSB represent the East Midlands at the National Youth Dance Festival 2017

    U.Dance is the Nation’s Youth Dance Festival which celebrates the quality and vibrancy of young people’s dance across our nation.
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  • 12/07/17

    English Schools’ Team Championship National Golf Final 2017

    On the 12th July 2017 we had a team representing the school and the county at the English Schools’ Team Championship National Golf Final in Woodhall Spa, the home of England Golf.
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  • 12/07/17

    Sports Day 2017

    July 12th was the one day on this year’s school calendar when lessons were suspended and the entire school population came together to engage in enjoyable and competitive Inter-House activity. Teamwork is vital. With an event of this scale all must play their part, or the day simply will not w...
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  • 11/07/17

    School Food House Competition 2017

    During Term 6 there have been some exciting developments in the canteen. 
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  • 10/07/17

    British Gymnastics Finals - Student Success 2017

    Year 7 NSB student Jacob Fleet recently attended the British Gymnastics National Development Plan Finals in Telford.
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  • 07/07/17

    DT Students awarded Silver Crest Award 2017

    Term 6 saw Year 9 Design Technology students compete in a demanding challenge to build and race their own Scalextric car. Each student had to research the basic principles of motor racing, and apply this knowledge to the design of their vehicle. 
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  • 04/07/17

    Sporting Success Update 2017

    Joshua Fuller Y9 NSB Student - More Sporting Success! Joshua Fuller is a visually impaired student in Year 9 he also has nystagmus and albinism - he needs all his teaching resources work modified to font size 24 to be able to see it. He is also a talented skier and has been training since he was...
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  • 03/07/17

    Dance Drama Showcase 2017

    Y7-13 students present some of the work undertaken during 2016-17 from the Dance and Drama curriculum as well as extra-curricular provision.
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Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT
01604 230240