Spectroscopy in a Suitcase 2017
Successful synthesis
A level Chemistry students once again were able to carry out spectral analysis of a range of samples including the aspirin that they had successfully synthesised (or not) in school.
Amy Ward year 12 said: “It was really useful. Interesting and informative really bringing the theory to life.”
Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy is an analytical technique that uses a beam of infrared light to analyse the structure of organic compounds. IR spectroscopy is introduced in theory at A level but the specialist equipment goes beyond that held within schools. However thanks to the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Spectroscopy in a Suitcase scheme, the University of Leicester were able to bring all the equipment required to give NSB chemistry students the opportunity to learn about spectroscopy through hands-on experience. Our students were able to use IR spectroscopy to assess the purity of the aspirin samples that they had previously synthesised in school. All of our students who took part in the experience expressed their gratitude for having the opportunity to put theory into practice as they felt that the carefully supervised activities had built up their confidence and understanding making it a hugely rewarding experience for all.
Joe Devereux said “It was very helpful, I am looking forward to their return next year as I’d like to have another go.”
Lewis Slade “It was useful.”
David Amor-Segan: “To start with, it seemed really hard but the activities were structured to help, I learnt a lot.”
Emmanuelle Danquah: “It was really well explained and presented. We made Aspirin!”
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those of who were involved. The event owes its success to your hard work and enthusiasm alongside the expertise, resources and support provided by the University of Leicester and the Royal Society of Chemistry.