Gifted and Talented News 2018
May 2018
It's been a long, short term if you know what I mean and the Easter holidays on the horizon are a much welcome sight. A levels and GCSEs are almost with us but the pace and variety of other events and opportunities at NSB hasn't ceased either; it's been relentless.
Last week, the Gifted and Talented cohort welcomed Mr Sean Siddhu-Brar and what a talk he gave! He chartered a brief history of law from pre-Domesday to present times before sharing his remarkable career history from Psychiatric Nurse within the NHS to Trade Union Representative to Lawyer and part-time Judge. His journey with commentary to historical events was remarkable, compelling and relevant. His evaluation of the current legal system and differences within Europe and other western countries was engaging and he fielded a range of probing questions from students. His unconventional route into the legal system was refreshing, honest and whets the appetite for more. We certainly have a wealth of wannabe lawyers within our midst.
Right at the start of term, we welcomed 60 students from Weston Favell Primary and their teachers for another literacy workshop. It was a great event and our students supported small groups of students and worked through a carousel of activities. The afternoon culminated in students producing their own creative writing. It is a real privilege to witness our local educational communities working together. In fact, I dare say that the teachers are quite redundant as I observed two hours of student interaction totally facilitated by and for the students. The best way to see how competent your own skill is may be to test whether you can instil these skills in others. If this is the case, then our students were the finest.
S. Morrison