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Northampton School for Boys

Northampton School for Boys

Northampton School for Boys - Year 7 September 2025 National Offer Day

The Local Authority that you have applied to will inform you of your allocated school place on Monday 3rd March 2025.  

If you have applied to us, and your son HAS NOT gained a place at NSB:

We will contact you on or before 4th March by email explaining how you can add your son's name to the waiting list if you wish.  We will also provide you with information on how to appeal should you want to.  Please do not contact us directly unless you have not received this email by 5th March 2024.  The waiting list is not a numbered list and so there is no urgency to be added to this before you receive your email.    

If your son HAS gained a place at NSB:

You will receive an email from us in the first couple of weeks of March which will contain a variety of information and forms to complete.  Please do not contact the school directly unless you have not received this email from us by Friday 14th March.


Have you applied for a place at Northampton School? Click here to read about National Offer Day for Northampton School. 

Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT
01604 230240