School Uniform
Please note: Items paid for via ParentPay are kept in stock and can be collected from Student Services. Please ask your son to collect his uniform items from Student Services as soon as possible.
The majority of school uniform can now be purchased from our supplier Sportswear International (SWI) and can be delivered directly to your home or into school for collection by your son. A 'registration help' document can be found below for SWI.
Where items can only be purchased from the school (eg. ties and House t-shirts) this can be done by using ParentPay or with a cheque or cash by your son via Student Services.
Samples of all sizes of uniform will be kept in Student Services for your son to try on.
If you do require any assistance, please contact Mrs Sharp on: 01604 230240.
Uniform Price List
Please note prices as of February 2023
We currently have a few jumpers and training tops on sale at a reduced price of £10 directly from the Student Services uniform shop.
£10 | Student Services |
Blazer (with badge sewn on) |
28" - 36" | £42.25 | SWI |
38" - 52" | £44.90 | SWI | |
Blazer Badge only (If not purchasing a blazer with embroidered badge through SWI) |
£5.00 | NSB | |
Tie (recommended for Y7/Y8) Tie (recommended for Y9/Y10/Y11) |
48" | £7.00 | NSB |
54" | £8.00 | NSB | |
Old-style ties for Y7 & 8 only | £3.50 | NSB | |
Reversible Rugby Shirt | 22" - 52" | £30.40 | SWI |
Rugby Shorts | 18" - 44" | £17.95 | SWI |
Football Shorts | 18" - 28" |
£10.95 |
30" - 44" | |||
Rugby Socks/PE Socks | Shoe Size 2-13 |
£7.25 |
PE Lesson T-Shirt (new style) (Y7 from Sept 2018) Red or Navy |
22" - 52" | £19.95 | SWI |
Optional Items
School Sweater | 24" - 50" | £25.15 | SWI |
House T-Shirt Brightwell - Yellow; Chipsey - Blue; |
All sizes | £8.00 | NSB |
NEW! Swimming Trunks/Jammers (Waterpolo) Half colours - Year 10+ Full colours - Year 11+ |
20" - 44"
£30.00 |
Student |
Long Sleeved Training Top | 22" - 36" | £27.15 | SWI |
38" - 52" | £28.45 | SWI | |
Rain Jacket | 22" - 36" | £37.00 | SWI |
38" - 52" | £39.70 | SWI | |
Track Bottoms | 20" - 28" | £22.90 | SWI |
30" - 44" | £26.40 | SWI | |
Thermal Base Layer |
22" - 36" |
£24.55 £26.50 |
38" - 52" |
Prices inclusive of VAT where applicable.
Uniform Order Form - For purchasing items from NSB via Student Services.
Payments for items purchased from NSB can be made by via ParentPay (preferred method) or by cheque/cash. Please make cheques payable to Northampton School for Boys.
SWI Uniform Price List - For help with purchasing items from SWI.
Payments for these items must be made directly to SWI.
SWI Parent Guide
School Uniform Requirement
The requirements of the basic school uniform are:
School Blazer - black with blazer badge and year stripe
Trousers - black Shirt - plain white, ALWAYS TUCKED IN
School Tie - worn at a sensible length
Shoes - black (trainers or trainer-style shoes are not allowed) Socks - black
Pullover - navy blue v-necked (optional – available from school shop)
Rugby Shirt - school colours (reversible)
T-Shirt - school colours
Shorts - school colours
Rugby/Football Boots Training Shoes - for PE only