Careers Education
Information and Guidance
Northampton School for boys
Mission Statement
The purpose of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance at Northampton School for Boys is to provide a whole school and community approach to engage all students in years 7 to 13 in learning about the world of work.
We aim to enable young people to make confident and well-informed decisions about their futures through a structured programme of CEIAG. This will support and empower young people to manage their own careers learning through
- Understanding their own strengths and weaknesses.
- Developing their decision-making skills.
- Learning about the labour market and options post 16.
- Finding out how to research careers information.
- Gaining an awareness of how to make successful transitions at key points throughout education and beyond
- Discovering how to gain a competitive edge through the development of work skills; enterprise activities; voluntary opportunities; work placements and meeting a wide range of local and national employers and agencies.
- One to one careers guidance with an in-house careers adviser – all students in years 10 and 11 are offered a 45 minute appointment in the first instance. Sixth formers access support as and when they need it. Lunch time drop-ins are available every day and all students are entitled to book an appointment.
All students are monitored by the Careers adviser when making the transition from Year 11 onwards. This ensures that nobody is NEET, and also lets our young people know they can come to us for help.
All students in Year 10 will complete a work experience placement during Enterprise week in October.
All students in Years 9-13 attend careers fairs organised by the school
The school adheres to the Gatsby benchmarks for CEAIG to ensure all students receive the best start and we work in partnership with a wide range of employers, colleges, universities and agencies.
Northampton school for Boys works in partnership with SEMLEP (to ensure breadth of opportunities for our students.
Careers lessons are delivered in PSHE and Enrichment lessons and are assessed as part of the whole school PSHE framework. Students also have the opportunity to voice their feedback on Careers provision through the annual student voice survey as well as undertaking an annual Careers Reflection task in their allocated PSHE and Enrichment lessons.
All information published on Careers Education at Northampton School for Boys is reviewed on an annual basis.
The Careers Leader at Northampton School for Boys is:
Hannah Rickaby
Email: or
The Careers Advisers at Northampton School for Boys are:
Judith Howard and Nicola Hinton
The Careers Administrator at Northampton School for Boys is:
Theresa Tilley
01604 230240
Twitter: @NSBCareerAdvice