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Northampton School for Boys

Northampton School for Boys

Year 11 to Year 12 Transition 2024 and Virtual Tour

To help and support Year 11 students with the transition to Post 16 options, we have developed a transition package.

This will be a mixture of tasks that can be done remotely.

The programme includes:

  • Phase 1 Transition to A Level/BTEC study. Phase One
     This phase of activities is designed to build on the independent learning skills that will be needed for Post 16 studies. We have created for each A Level/BTEC that we offer, a range of super curricular activities under the headings of something to think about, something to listen to and something to read about. These cover a wide range of curricular enriching suggestions including links to documentaries, podcasts, background reading and even some social media accounts to follow.
  • Phase 2 Transition to A Level/BTEC study. Phase Two (link for this Phase will go live shortly).
    This phase contains information about the courses offered at NSB. Each subject has developed specification specific information about the course structure and a Home Learning task. This Home Learning task is due in September for all students starting NSB Sixth Form. We also recommend at this stage to watch the subject videos available on our admission page of the website under the title Subject Information 2024.
  • MOOC’s (Massive Open Online Courses) MOOC's by subject
    Throughout Year 12 and 13, our Sixth Form students regularly complete MOOC’s online as one part of our extracurricular programme. To aid transition, we have compiled a list of courses for each subject that we believe would be an asset to complete. All courses provide opportunities to meet educators from top universities and cultural institutions. Each course runs with a set number of hours and students complete them independently.

We hope you enjoy your summer and look forward to seeing lots of you in September.

Mrs Bradley-Brophy
Director of Sixth Form
Northampton School for Boys


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Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT
01604 230240