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Northampton School for Boys

Northampton School for Boys

Year 6 into Year 7 Transition


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Welcome to the Year 6 into Year 7 Transition Information 

We are delighted that you have been offered a place at Northampton School for Boys and we look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful school. We have lots of exciting plans to get to know you better throughout the summer term:


  • In June, we will invite families to our Meet the Form Tutor Parents’ Evening. This event is an opportunity to share information and ask questions.
  • We have already been speaking to your teachers in your primary school to help us to make sure we are ready to meet all children’s needs in September.
  • We also hold additional transition meetings for students who require extra support. These days are designed, but are not exclusive to students who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities, and students who may require additional support with the transition to secondary school. If you/your child feels an additional transition session is required, please contact Mrs Alison Hollobon by email: or telephone 01604 230240.

You will also have your Transfer Day on Monday, 8th July and in September, will start school a day before the other students.  This will be on Wednesday, 4th September and will be your first day as an NSB student.  More details about this will be sent to home in due course.

At Northampton School for Boys we are proud of the links we have with our local community and know the importance of parents, teachers and students talking together and supporting one another. Should you wish to discuss your child’s transition to secondary school or arrange a school visit, please contact Mrs Alison Hollobon, Year 6 into Year 7 Transition Manager by email: or call 01604 230240.

Below you will find links to videos from students, a tour of the school, documents and information for parents and students to digest, but here’s some of the frequently asked questions:


Useful Resources

Click on the buttons below for information and advice on starting secondary school.


On My Mind | Resources for Young People | Anna Freud Centre 





Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT
01604 230240