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Northampton School for Boys

Northampton School for Boys

Former Student London Luncheon 2025 - Friday 16th May

I am excited to bring your attention to the 2025 Former Student London Luncheon. This popular event is a must-attend, so gather a few pals and join us in what promises to be a truly memorable occasion.

This year, we're returning to the fabulous National Liberal Club at 1 Whitehall, overlooking the Thames. We dined there in 2022 and had an incredible time at this iconic venue. I anticipate it will be just as popular this year, so please respond quickly and book your tables or places.

The venue has appeared in many films and television productions, including The Crown, starring our very own Matt Smith. The Club will also provide a cash bar on arrival and post-lunch. There will be a fundraising heads and tails game and a small auction to support the school. If you or your business would like to sponsor the wine on the tables, please let me know.

We have only 120 places available in the magnificent David Lloyd George Dining Room, so prompt replies are essential. We would dearly love to see some of our former female students.

Having recently visited the venue, we're extremely excited about this marvellous opportunity to host a very special occasion. Tables of ten are available, but guests may come in pairs or small groups, and we will fit you in with like-minded individuals.

  • The cost is £120 per head, including hire of the prestigious dining room, a 3-course fine dining menu, wine on the table and a cash bar.
  • Tables of 10 are available, but we are flexible and can also accommodate pairs and small groups. We will always seat you with like-minded individuals.

Guests are respectfully requested to arrive at 12:15pm for a 1:00pm call to tables.

I would be grateful if you could email me to let me know if you are keen on a table / no. of places, so I can get an early idea of numbers please.

To book and pay please click on the reply slip at the bottom of this page, ensuring all guest names and years at school are entered. We also need the address of the group / individual leader to mail out the tickets. Forms can be printed off and returned by post or scanned and returned by email. Alternatively, you can send back the names and years attended NSB by email to:

Once your form is completed, payment can be made by BACs transfer using reference London and payer name to: 

  • Northampton School for Boys 

  • Sort Code: 30-96-09 

  • Account Number: 00718911

or alternatively to pay by cheque to Northampton School for Boys (‘London Lunch’ on back). Please can we ask for all payments and forms to be returned by March 30th.


Mr Mark Lee
School Development Director


Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT
01604 230240